Latest Work In Progress
Team Collaboration
It's vitally important for teams to be able to easily collaborate on projects without the need to be technically advanced. Our messaging tool makes it easy to start a discussion about a project or task with other team members or even the customer.

Project Dashboards
In project management being able to get a snapshot of the important details or your projects is extremely important. Our project management solution offers dashboard views for admins, employees and customers.

Task Searching & Filtering
When dealing with multiple projects and hundreds of tasks, you need a solution that will make it easy for you to find out which tasks are coming due, passed due or due today. Who are the tasks assigned to or make changes as quickly as possible. Our solution is easy and intuitive.

Time Tracking
We make it really easy for employees to track their time on projects and single tasks. From out reporting screens you can filter all time worked whether billable or not and print or export the data.

Asset Management
Documentation is part of our project management system. Whether you're looking to upload plans for a customer or need your customer to provide you with specific materials or images, our system provides the capabilities to do just that. And it's easy!

Activity Logging
Keep track of everything that's happening in your project management system. Need to know who updated a specific record, created a message or uploaded a document. We provide a simple but effective activity monitoring toool

Project Management
There are many project management solutions out there, but most are packed with features that you'll never use. You will however pay for all of those features as well as a high per user fee!! Our solution offers the most important functionality that we know most businesses need and we don't charge per user. If you're looking for a more user friendly uncluttered experience, then check out what we have to offer.